garlic imported from Brazil - Brazil for Business


Garlic: national production does not meet the garlic demand in Brazil, with the need to import. / Image: State College.



According to the National Association of Garlic Importers - to Ania-Brazil - (2001) national production does not meet the garlic demand in Brazil, with the need to import. The per capita consumption of garlic in Brazil is 1.50 kg / inhabitant / year. In the 2014/15 crop will require 300,000 tons for domestic supply. The monthly demand will be 2.5 million cases of ten kilograms or 83 thousand boxes per day.

Domestic production will supply in this period 40% of consumption and the other 60% will be of garlic imported, mainly from China (40%) and Argentina (20%).

From January to June 2014, according to data from Secex (Aliceweb System), Brazil imported 9,032,986 boxes (ten kilograms) worth US $ 103,395,098.00, Fob price declared. The average monthly volume imported was 1.50 million boxes. The two major suppliers of garlic to Brazil are China and Argentina. Traditionally Argentina dominates the offer in the months of December to April. China, in turn, offer greater volumes than Argentina in the remaining months of the year and said the prices in the domestic market.

With the monthly average of garlic imported 1.50 million boxes and its low price, it is understandable why the national garlic market was low in the first half of 2014. The Chinese garlic US $ 7.70 per box , stated in the IRS, FOB price, cost to the importer approximately R $ 50.00. Argentina, which dominated the market in the first months of the year after a high devaluation of its currency (peso), garlic exported to Brazil for US $ 15.25 a box. The cost to the importer was R $ 45.00 per box. This helped and the market to stay low. 

Source: Epagri.

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